Monday, September 10, 2007

"Case for Torture"

The “Case for Torture” article case makes some rather interesting points. Michael Levin writes a sharp argument with the biased facts based on what he thinks is right. Levin creates several hypothetical scenarios that leave you with an obligated-to-do-the-right-thing feeling. One of the scenarios he created was if you were a mother and your baby had been kidnapped by a someone, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to make you one, get your baby back unharmed and two, make sure whoever took your child gets punished to the furthest extent. Levin, as Jordan said, shoots out his opinions so quickly that you don’t have a moment to grasp what he is saying and to even consider your own point of view.

My personal opinion on torture is that I think it should be allowed in certain situations. I feel bad saying that though because torturing someone seems so cruel, even if it’s used to get an answer or save lives. Levin almost makes me feel better about that by agreeing with him. In the article he argued that, wouldn’t it be better to torture a few people that were going to set off a bomb, then let hundreds of innocent people die for something they didn’t do. That sounds fine to me. It’s the thought of what type of tactics are we using to torture this people? I remember a while back my dad told me that to get information from people that would play Rammstein music on full blast. It hurt their ears so much that they would break. Now, I don’t know if that is true but that sounds better to me than electrocuting someone or hurting them. That to me seems very un-American. But who is really to say if torturing someone is right or wrong. I think, and people might argue this, that it really comes down to your beliefs. It’s really hard to chose a side on what is right or wrong.


Allie said...


I'm totally with you on how it's hard to choose a side here. My morals lend me to believe that torture is wrong and should never be used.. but they also remind me of the value of human life. Terrorists are people too, no matter how much we don't want to believe that. However, in the long run, they make the choice to take the lives of others. They are completely and totally aware of their intentions and deserve to pay the consequences for their actions. Sacrificing the individual for the whole population of innocent people is the right thing to do (and torture does not neccessarily mean death of the terrorist/killer/bad person). If a situation arose and I was the one who had to determine the course of action against one such person, I would not hestitate for a moment in finding the best possible way to save the majority of the people. This is a very controversial subject and will probably always remain so, and it really does come down to one's beliefs and morals on the matter.