Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Comparing Loman to Tucker

The primary difference between Willy Loman and Cora Tucker is how they act and what they do. Tucker seems to depend mostly on her self, rather than on others like Willy. For Loman, he does stuff his own way and does it with a minimal amount of effort. He feels that his connections will get him places more than what he is capable of. Tucker on the other hand, works for what she wants and stands up for what she believes in, such as with equal rights between the black and white communities. Both of these characters are opposites with their goals in life. As Loman continues to fall short because of his concentration on being “well-liked”, Tucker pushes herself and her ideas to the next level. She doesn’t care so much about being “well-liked”; she strives off of what she is passionate and believes in. She has a mindset of what she wants to accomplish and has a set of realistic goals, unlike Loman who’s dreams crushed him. That is the difference between Loman and Tucker.


Liz Watkins said...

About how Cora Tucker depends on herself and how Willy doesn't, that's interesting; I never thought of that. You're right that Willy does depend on people he knows- like Howard's father- in getting places. You also have a good point about how Tucker has realistic expectations and Willy Loman doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Are Tucker's goals realistic? How realistic is change?

Lauren said...

I think that they are realistic in that they are smaller, more reachable goals. She isn't setting herself up for failure like Willy.