Tuesday, November 20, 2007

C.P. Ellis

Ellis’s story offers a credible way of overcoming misunderstanding and hatred between races. He talks about how easy it is to hate a group of people because most of the time it is just a group of people who want to be a part of something. Once he goes on to become a school board member he meets with an African American woman, Ann. Ellis’s realizes they aren’t very different and organizes the labor union to unify the lower working class. He also comes to understand that the involvement he is doing with the women, is actually helping him see past their racial divide. Because he was able to realize they essentially had the same problem (with their children) and they were different races, I think that offers a credible overcoming of his hatred of different race.

I think this is possible on a large scale, but it would be a difficult task. Before I went down to the Lord’s Pantry, I never really wanted to help the poor – not because I hated them or anything, but just because I don’t know them. Obviously once I went down there and helped out, I came out wanting to go back. If people had a chance to get to know the other side, those they aren’t fond of, I think it would be possible.