Monday, March 3, 2008

Lighting the Fire in Wright

When money gets extremely tight at Granny’s house, Uncle Tom and his family move in exchange for some extra cash. Wright doesn’t exactly like his Uncle though and this leads to a huge fight.

One morning, Uncle Tom wakes up Wright and asked for the time. Wright tells him however, Uncle Tom does not believe it’s accurate – which is odd because why would you ask the time and then not believe it. So Wright checks again and tells him that the time he had given was close enough in a tone that was perceived as rude and “sassy”. This gets Tom VERY angry and he vows that he is going to teach Wright a lesson. This just lights the fire in Wright, seeing as he was taught by his mother to fight, especially to those who beat him. Wright fights off his Uncle with two razor blades and yells at his Uncle for having no right to tell him what to do. Wright made sure to scare his Uncle Tom enough so that they would never have this type of confrontation again.