Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"How I Start to Write"

“How I Started to Write: The Art of the Personal Essay” is a really interesting piece of writing. Carlos Fuentes starts his story in Panama, where he was born, telling you in an expressive style about his mother. He describes how his father’s job left him without a real feeling for his home country. Carlos Fuentes does a great job at telling you what happens to him, unlike in other stories where it will just state the facts. His style is influenced by his Mexican heritage and he uses it to shape is writing style. Fuentes talks about how he is a Scorpio, and how that exemplifies who he is as a person. He lets background show throughout his writing. The writer that he is consists of his life story as well as how the stories of others have affected him. Fuentes uses a distinctive style that would be difficult to copy because of the experiences he has.


Anonymous said...

Good observations about sultural reference - but push deeper on writing style. Is he using lots of examples? Is he painting us pictures? Is he quoting other authors? Why?